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In some cases of advanced infection - particularly with scaleless fish like goldfish - amputation might be required; however, recovery is unlikely after just one limb has been removed from such species. Overview. hth C Coryologist Fish Addict Joined Oct 10, 2006 Messages 734 Reaction score 0 Location . . To get rid of Ich fast and on time you should increase the temperature by about 2 degrees every 3 hours which also helps to avoid a heat shock for the fish. Repeat dose after 48 hours. Caution: Some scaleless fish are sensitive to this medication; therefore, treat at half the normal dose. In the video that I watched, @Corysaid it is snail safe, shrimp safe, plant safe but did not say scaleless fish like Corydras safe or not so, I was wondering about it. also wondering if it will have a negitive affect Cheers, Jordan . 17 reviews. It's easy to use, highly effective and in my opinion . Will not affect pH, stain the . API PIMAFIX Treatment alleviates symptoms such as fungus or cottony growth on fins, mouth and body fungus, and reddening of fins and body. While it can be used in both freshwater and saltwater, it is particularly effective against the common bacterial and fungal infections of freshwater fish. API General Cure. Ich Guard (from the same Kordon) is highly effective and usually delivers without raising temperature too. Last edited: Jul 17, 2019. Being a wormer with a wider safety margin, this product can be used for external Flukes when safety of more effective treatments such as Trichlorfon are in question. Works quickly to help heal your underwater buddies. Treatment may be hastened by raising the temperature to 82. Causes rapid growth of new fins and tissue in as little . The key with "sensitive" fish is to adjust the dose slowly to acclimate the fish. Image Gallery - 1 of 5. QT strategy: . Does KanaPlex make water cloudy? API general cure is an effective anti-parasitic treatment but is generally used in any fish tank. 18-Nov Day 0 - Otocinclus huaorani fish arrived. Not recommended for reef aquariums. The use of aquarium salt at one teaspoon per gallon of water will benefit livebearing fish but should be avoided in fish such as scaleless . Safe for fresh and saltwater fish tanks. . QT strategy: . "In the aquarium, use 5 ml (1 capful) to every 40 L (10 gallons*). This should be used in the main tank. Cloudy water is a little bit improved but still fuzzy. But neither claims to treat Columnaris directly, . Removing the ich infested fish will not cure the problem. . Safe for scaleless fish, fry, and invertebrates. API Super Ick Cure is used for treatment of fresh water ich and eradication of a wide variety of other fresh water parasites including Oodinium, Trichodina and Chilodonella. When dealing with bacterial diseases, Seachem makes two of the most effective medications on the market. General Aquaria Discussion Forum. This will eliminate any internal issues. That's why you shouldn't use it on scaleless fish. Treats conditions caused by Fish Lice and Anchor Worm; . . Although both products are anti-parasitic drugs, each product is used to treat different diseases in fish. discus fry, and scaleless fish like clown loaches. This microscopic parasite has a multi-staged life cycle and is invisible during its theront stage. Rating: 4.5 stars Price: $20 for 20 packets . API General Cure Powder Treats Parasitic Fish Disease $ 14.59 - $ 287.00 $ 602.99; Save $ 316 (52 %) This is even true with salt and fish such as catfish, loaches and other scaleless fish. I have a MP10 blasting full on one side and the Tidal 55 at full on the other side. Do you use General Cure, api erythromycin, Ich X or Do you use Maracyn, Para cleanse, ich X? Repeat dose after 48 hours. Fast acting treatment for Ich, protozoan parasites and fin damage Ich-X Effective at a wide range of temperatures and can be used with scaleless fish. It is also known as the cotton wool disease is a general term that is used by aquarists for the presence of one or more commonly-occurring fungal infections that can affect the skin, mouth, finns or fins. 3+ day shipping. N. . API General Cure Freshwater and Saltwater Fish Powder Medication 10-Count. Without (hopefully) killing the fish. These guys are also temperature sensitive, so you're going to want to rely almost entirely on prevention. But it DOES involve a chlorine effect. After further research and a bunch of research on scaleless fish. This should get rid of it, but please dose carefully as catfish are more difficult to treat. . Feeding Instructions Instructions Once they are eating, soak their food with API General Cure for 10-14 days. Resistance is not possible because this compound KILLS germs on contact. API states that General Cure will treat " a wide variety of parasitic diseases including velvet, fish lice, hole-in-the-head disease ( Hexamita spp. Posts: 470. Yes, API general cure is safe for Bettas. soak food with API General Cure or Fenbendazole for 10-14 days. Freshwater Dip: No longer than 5 minutes ( more info) Hydrogen Peroxide: 20 ml of 3% H2O2 per 1 gallon of saltwater for 30 minutes. I got all API stuff plus Ich X but I do not have para cleanse so, I am thinking of going with API method. Some Ich treatments (flubendazole, quinine) work nearly 100% without temperature changes. and scaleless fish like clown loaches. API General Cure, Corydoras safe? Free shipping Free shipping Free shipping. Free shipping Free shipping Free shipping. This treatment is safe for all ornamental aquarium fish, reptiles, amphibians and mollusks, including freshwater and marine pets. GENERAL CURE. The simplest way to look at it is that it's a VERY dilute version of chlorine. API Melafix Medication , 16 oz. . So if the bottle says 5ml a day you would half this to 2.5ml, I know a few folks treat the Ich in freshwater with Salt if they do have scaleless fish, you can raise the temp but this will only speed up the Ich, I can't remember off the top of my head the heat needed to kill Ich I'm sure it was 89F but don't quote me on that. From what I can tell and read it is safe for scaleless fish, which cories do fall under. One drop per gallon of water relieves symptoms in just 48 hours. As long as it's between 76-80F it will be fine. . . Usually accompanied by twitching, flashing, and other signs of stress and irritation. Praziquantel is found in PraziPro, API General Cure, and Jungle Parasite Clear. . One drop per gallon of water relieves symptoms in just 48 hours. AAP DeChlorit is a pure and concentrated chlorine neutralizer that instantly removes chlorine from any water source, rendering it fish safe immediately. API General Cure which is a combination of . API General Cure 850 gram Jar. For larger systems, for each 240 gallons (908 L) of water add 12 scoops (4 Tbsp.). API GENERAL CURE fish remedy is safe to use around aquatic turtles and snails, but is only intended to treat disease in fish. API General Cure Powder (10 pack) Add. Safe for scaleless catfish. How often can I use API GENERAL CURE? A bath consisting of one teaspoon of methylene blue per five gallons of water can also be administered daily for 20 minutes. Methylene Blue . Contains one (1) API AQUARIUM SALT Freshwater Aquarium Salt 33-Ounce Box. & Spironucleus), gill & skin flukes (Dactylogyrus & Gyrodactylus ). $13.04. I noticed when I dose the Kanaplex + Metro or API general . API General Cure Freshwater and Saltwater Fish Powder Medication 10-Count Box. If you can use aquarium water even better. Looks like salt sprinkled on the fish's body and fins. API general cure is made up of Metronidazole and Praziquantel. $15.98. Some other symptoms, which we listed above as well; bloating, not eating, and wasting. How To Treat the Camallanus Worm Rapidly repairs damaged fins, heals open wounds and ulcers, stops mouth fungus, and treats fin and tail rot. Even just trace amounts left over from treatments long ago can kill snails and shrimps. API GENERAL CURE fish remedy treats a wide variety of parasitic diseases including velvet, hole-in-the-head disease (Hexamita spp. Bath treatment: 30-60 minutes @ 0.6 ml per gallon, or 12 drops per gallon. Improves respiration for fish in freshwater aquariums. Clean the filter 24 hours after treatment too. Flow and surface agitation is crazy in this QT. API General Cure 850 gram Jar. The second and third treatments kill any baby worms that hatch from eggs inside the fish's digestive tract. My real recommendation for scaleless fish with ick would be quinine. Like all scaleless fish, elephantnose fish are sensitive to meds and salt. Mandarins (Dragonets) Disease-resistant fish which handles most meds just fine (EXCEPT COPPER). Repeat dose after 48 hours. This is a disease where the main tank needs to be treated. as well as scaleless fish, therefore be careful and only in the instances where it is necessary. Kordon Rapid-Cure Ich and Parasite Treatment acts fast to treat Ich infections, external protozoan parasites, and the side effects of parasite infection in aquarium fish. & Spironucleus), gill & skin flukes (Dactylogyrus & Gyrodactylus ). API LIQUID SUPER ICK CURE Fish remedy, Freshwater and Saltwater Fish Medication 4-Ounce Bottle . Several parasites are grouped under this name, but the symptoms are almost identical. API PIMAFIX Treatment . Repeat daily as required as long as the fish show no stress. . It is used to treat infections caused by worms. Causes rapid growth of new fins and tissue in as little as 4 days of treatment. For each 10 gallons (38 L) of water, blend 325 mg General Cure powder directly into aquarium. It is also among the gentler antibiotics, and great for . . You can purchase both of the products I mentioned online. Not safe for some invertebrates. The effective ingredient in API General cure against this parasite would be the Praziquantel. For each 10 gallons (38 L) of water, blend 325 mg General Cure powder directly into aquarium. API General Cure Freshwater and Saltwater Fish Powder Medication 10-Count. Kanaplex and Metroplex are both powdered antibiotics which should be your go-to medications when you think your fish has a bacterial disease such as columaris, tuberculosis, popeye, fin rot, dropsy, etc. I have a MP10 blasting full on one side and the Tidal 55 at full on the other side. Is API general cure safe for scaleless fish? " Ich is not stated in the list, presumably because API recommends Super ICH Cure. . Safe for fresh and saltwater fish tanks. To treat a broader range of infections, use with API MELAFIX Fish Treatment. API Super Ick Cure Safe for scaleless fish, and works quickly in both freshwater and saltwater tanks. Add pretreated water to both containers. Follow API Easy Care Guide and use LIQUID SUPER ICK CURE when: Addressing Fish Problem Solving issues Ich, a protozoan parasite, also known as white spot disease, is caused by the external parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. is API super ich cure(at a half dose) gonna be safe for the loaches and still get rid of the ick. . Treat every fish tank in the house at the same time. API Melafix Medication . 19-Nov Day 1 - Started first round of medications: API General Cure and API E.M. Erythromycin as well as Melafix and Pimafix. Does KanaPlex make water cloudy? Dose 1 packet of API E.M. ERYTHROMYCIN, 1 packet of API GENERAL CURE, and 1 teaspoon/cap (5 ml) of Kordon Rid-Ich Plus for every 10 gallons of water. Safe for salt and freshwater tanks. Scaleless fish which are intolerant of copper. Stage 3 is the most aggressive form of aquarium salt treatment that you can safely use for your betta. This item: API PIMAFIX Freshwater and Saltwater Fish Remedy $7.99 API MELAFIX Fish Remedy, Contains Natural Tea Tree Extract to heal Bacterial infections, Repair fins, ulcers & Open Wounds, Use When Treating Infection or to Prevent Disease Outbreak When Adding Fish $8.99 Benini J. Is KanaPlex safe for scaleless fish? IME the medication does not have any ill effect on cories. General cure doesn't work in the same way the quick cure does. Ich is a highly communicable parasite that attacks fish. . They shouldn't hurt the pleco or the fry (unless they are newborns, which really shouldn't be exposed to chemicals), but I'd be cautious about the snails. For use in both freshwater and saltwater aquariums. The long lasting formula only requires one dose to maintain a therapeutic level for up to one month in the aquarium. or for each 960 gallons (3,634 L) of water add one cup. API General Cure Freshwater/Saltwater Fish Powder Medication - Dosing Directions: Paraguard is a straightforward medication to dose; however, you should follow the dosing directions provided below (from Seachem's website) to ensure safety and effectiveness. API General Cure Powder (10 pack) 16 4.3 out of 5 . & Spironucleus), gill & skin flukes (Dactylogyrus & Gyrodactylus ). Fast acting treatment for Ich, protozoan parasites and fin damage Kordon Rapid-Cure Ich and Parasite Treatment acts fast to treat Ich infections, external protozoan parasites, and the side effects of parasite infection in aquarium fish. It is safe (ime) for scaleless fish and is an excellent ick med. I've used this method in saltwater reef tanks and all inverts survived to give you an idea of how safe it is. API General cure is metronidazole and Praziquantel-based medication, while Seachem Paraguard is aldehyde-based. API general cure is an effective anti-parasitic treatment but is generally used in any fish tank. By ResetOasis, 3 years ago on Tropical Fish. Additional information. For popeye treatment, API MELAFIX is recommended. Use at the first sign of "Ich" or white spots. Flow and surface agitation is crazy in this QT. Scaleless fish which are intolerant of copper. As mentioned, fin rot is a bacterial disease so if you introduce an infected fish to the aquarium, the bacteria can spread to other fishes as well. API E.M. ERYTHROMYCIN fish remedy helps broad spectrum treatment and control of bacterial disease, such as body slime, mouth fungus, Furunculosis (open lesions and swelling), bacterial gill disease and hemorrhagic septicemia (blood spots without sign of skin damage). 2010 Research Grant Donor. Seachem Paraguard Safe with most plants, invertebrates, and scaleless fish at . SulfaPlex is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal and protozoan infestations in the aquarium. I can't guarantee it'll be effective. Sizes 10 packets, 30 oz. 17 4.2 out of 5 Stars. When buying your tropical fish, make sure to check the fins and tails carefully. Is API general cure safe for betta fish? I . Ich is among the most common infections of fish, and is entirely treatable with diligence and attention to water quality. Then hung the specimen container inside the tank to allow the temperature to acclimate. . Seachem Focus can be used to bind the medication to the food. Yes, API general cure is safe for scales fish. API PIMAFIX Antifungal Treatment is safe for use in reef aquariums and . This means good food, good water - and lots of both. For use in both freshwater and saltwater aquariums. Quick cure is meant specifically for ich and velvet. (Gobies can wiggle through tight spaces.) But the issue with using Prazi as your weapon is Camallanus worms by and large have become incredibly resistant, so it's much less likely to work and as a result there are many folks online reporting the worms survive it just fine. Some scaleless fish are sensitive to this medication, so treat them with 1/2 the normal dose. API General Cure 10 packet box 1.5 oz $ 15.00. Read the instructions for dosing scaleless fish. . The medication trio contains a blend of antibiotic, antifungal, and anti-parasitic active ingredients that are safe for scaleless fish, fry, shrimp, snails, live plants, and beneficial bacteria. The first treatment will kill any worms in the fish. I'll post my results after using it on my tank to further confirm. API Fungus Cure fish remedy prevents . Ich infestation manifests as white spots on the fins, eyes and body characteristic of the white spot disease. I noticed when I dose the Kanaplex + Metro or API general . Will not color your aquarium water. Will not harm biological filtration or scaleless fish. Being a "pain in the wrasse" qualifies you for: Black Molly Quarantine . Continued treatment for 4 . API general cure is made to kill worms and infection-carried microbes and doesn't harm most of the fish. Most fish, including scaleless fish, can handle salt - what they can't handle are sudden changes in the salt content of the water. API GENERAL CURE - 850g $260.00 API GENERAL CURE fish remedy treats a wide variety of parasitic diseases including velvet, fish lice, hole-in-the-head disease (Hexamita spp. bottle. Cloudy water is a little bit improved but still fuzzy. Can you use general cure and erythromycin together? DIRECTIONS FOR USE: For each 10 gallons of water, empty one packet directly into aquarium. Melafix is a breakthrough antibacterial remedy that uses a derivitive of the Melaleuca (Tea Tree) to treat bacterial infections in fresh and saltwater fish. Seachem Focus can be used to bind the medication to the food. But don't overdose. At least two of these products (AceFlu, API General Cure) say they are. Scaleless and delicate fish can have severe or even lethal reactions to malachite green. Sponsored Sponsored Sponsored. Available in 10 individual powdered packets or a 30-oz. Any worms on these fish must be removed manually using blunt tweezers, or with a quick salt or freshwater dip. It is absolutely lethal to invertebrates and is difficult to remove from the tank. Use when changing water, when setting up a new freshwater aquarium and when treating fish . Can help treat velvet, fish lice, hole-in-the-head disease, plus gill and skin flukes. For use in both freshwater and saltwater aquariums. Safe for scaleless catfish. In one container add 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 gallon of water. Select options Details. Instructions Safe for reef aquariums and live plants. A mature camallanus worm is going to be a couple of millimeters long and will be very easy to detect because it is red and will be floating out of the fish anus. Use only to of the for regular fish recommended dose for scaleless fish and closely monitor the fish for increased stress. Follow these exact steps to treat and cure Ich in freshwater fish: Gradually Increase the temperature of the aquarium's water until it reaches 86 F. Melafix is a breakthrough antibacterial remedy that uses a derivitive of the Melaleuca (Tea Tree) to treat bacterial infections in fresh and saltwater fish. Seachem Focus can be used to bind the medication to the food. This dose maintains a total copper level of ~2.0 ppm, no redosing is necessary for up to one month. Some scaleless fish are sensitive to this . soak food with API General Cure or Fenbendazole for 10-14 days. You do a 75% water change and complete gravel clean 24-48 hours after treatment. Add 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt per 1 gallon of water. Except it's not chlorine, it's not even chloramine-T. API General Cure Powder 10 count For Freshwater and Saltwater Fish Aquariums. Once you've done this heat the water up to 78F, or as close as you can get it. Drip acclimated them to the quarantine tank water. In-tank treatment: 1 milliliter (ml) per 10 gallons, or 2 drops per gallon daily in a bare aquarium. Repeat dose after 48 hours. In the second add a 1/4 of a tablespoon of salt and a gallon of water. Remember that ich once it detaches from the fish will fall to the gravel and form hundreds of new tomites. Note: This medication will cause a slight discoloration of water which can be removed with activated carbon after treatment. This is a safe dosage for all fish and . Being a "pain in the wrasse" qualifies you for: Black Molly Quarantine . API General Cure Freshwater and Saltwater Fish Powder Medication 10-Count Box. <a title="Treating Bacterial . Be aware how mild and severe fin rot looks like so you can take a close look at each fish species of your choice. . Repeat dose after 24 hours. When and How To Add Salt As a general rule, start with one tablespoon of salt for 5 gallons of aquarium water. API PIMAFIX Antifungal Treatment alleviates symptoms such as fungus or cottony growth on fins, mouth and body fungus, and reddening of fins and body. As well DeChlorit also is an excellent temporary redox reducer to air in stress from oxidative elements in aquarium water. Also internal trematodes, commonly known as flukes and flatworms. Wait another 48 hours then change 25% of the aquarium water and add fresh activated carbon. API General Cure, Corydoras safe? Last edited: Jul 16, 2019. It can be used in combination with API General Cure Fish Medication to quarantine new fish. CAUTION: Some scaleless fish are sensitive to this medication; therefore, treat at the normal dose. Both of these chemicals are anti-helminthic, meaning they are designed to kill worms (flatworms, flukes, nematodes, etc). Thank you. Directions & Dosage Use 5 ml (1 tsp) per 4 U.S. gallons (15 L), or 8 oz (1 cup) per 190 U.S. gallons (337.5 L). $12.38. 2,902 2.9K. Is furan 2 safe for Axolotl? This is a very concentrated form of treatment, and it should not be used in tanks that contain scaleless fish species, plants, or invertebrates, including snails. Sharks, silverfish, lionfish, piranhas, bottom feeders, and certain scaleless and Metynnis fishes may also be sensitive to some worm eradication treatments. $15.00. Ingredients: Sodium Thiosulfate If you have a high bio-load and or an . This item: API General Cure Powder Packets, 10 Count, 6 Pack $56.24 API AQUARIUM SALT Freshwater Aquarium Salt 65-Ounce Box $10.99 API FIN & BODY CURE Freshwater Fish Powder Medication 10-Count Box $12.64 Powder General Cure 10 Pack 1,588 7 offers from $21.50 API General Cure Freshwater and Saltwater Fish Powder Medication 10-Count Box 2,268 Formulated to help treat parasitic diseases. This fish remedy will not color the aquarium water. Is KanaPlex safe for scaleless fish? Copper is an ingredient that can be very effective for certain ailments but again is tough on scaleless fish and in general kills fish if overdosed. This jar treats up to 3,270 gallons. Picture Information. This fish remedy will not color the aquarium water. Treatment of fish . Some saltwater invertebrates, such as corals, may be sensitive to this product, so it is not recommended for reef aquariums.
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